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Bonjour. Je suis dirigeant d'une association sportive (loi 1901) pour laquelle nos adhérents paient une cotisation. Je souhaiterais utiliser Paypal pour simplifier les paiements mais je ne trouve auxcune information sur les tarifs des commissions applicables aux associations. What fees do I pay? (for owners) Payments can be transferred to either your bank or PayPal account. You will not pay any additional PayPal fees. If you have an annual listing. You pay an annual fee per property, you can decide how to receive payments from guests - either directly or online through our website. For payments taken through our website, you pay a processing fee of 3%.

Paytiz have no relation to Paypal, Perfect Money, WebMoney or any other payment method. We make no claims about being supported by or supporting these services. Their respective wordmarks and trademarks belong to them alone.

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