Science Fair Project Question
Formulating a Research Question Formulating a Research Question All research begins with a question derived from a general topic that piques your interest, often through general reading, topical discussion, lectures, family experiences, etc. In many cases the general topic is set by your Instructor. Generally, the question should be: 1. Relevant. iRubric: Developing a Research Question rubric - J78WX2 Research question is related to the topic, but is too broad or too narrow. Topic can not be realistically researched with available resources and/or time. Question may be basic enough to be easily answered with general background resources instead of requiring deeper investigation. Topic
the question. Use this time to think of an answer or at least an opening line to two. This will let you appear careful and precise to your audience. If you can't talk about the topic, maybe you can talk about how hard it is to talk about the topic! It's better to address the topic…
Your Science Fair Project Question. Once you have chosen a topic of interest, you will need to create a related scientific question. Without a good question, your whole science fair project will be much harder, if not impossible! It is important to select a question that is going to be interesting to work on for at least a few weeks and that is Research Question - Conducting a Literature Review Jun 26, 2020
v Knowing which area you want to focus on (for example, health) but not a specific topic. v Knowing what area and topic but finding it difficult to clearly articulate a question. For many students, then, coming up with a research question is challenging, but this chapter will guide you through the processes involved and make this experience easier.
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